Monday, November 15, 2010

NoBeliefs Website

According to its introduction page, the main goal of this website is to inspire "free thinking". It says that free thinking can enable a person to see through the many dangerous false beliefs that are common in modern societies and cause great harm to the world. It also says that many important social and political reformers have been freethinkers, and mentions Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (a fighter for womens' rights), Richard Dawkins, and Thomas Paine as examples.

The coverage includes modern social issues as well as important historical debates and controvercies, especially those which still aren't completely resolved even today. Examples of the types of subjects discussed include future energy shortages, preservation of natural environment and wildlife habitat, religious intolerance, biological evolution, roots of modern terrorism, and needed reforms in modern financial systems.

A section of the site called "The Dark Bible" describes various "atrocities" which the bible attributes to God, such as the great flood, the killing of the first-born Egyptian children, and the destruction of Jericho. It also discusses the devil, demonic possession, and the many modern Christians who ignore the original teachings of Jesus.

Go to to see all the articles. There is also a frequently-updated section of stories about recent news events that relate to political and social causes.